
The successes of Institute of Folklore have been published in the scientific journal in Turkey

     The works and successes done by ANAS the Institute of Folklore about collecting and investigating of Garabag folklore were attracted in the attention of Turkish investigators. The article “The folk language and literature of the captive lands: Garabag folklore” by Nail Tan who is the famous folklorist, the former councilor of Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Turkey was published in the 39th volume of the journal “The world of Turk”. In the article it is said about the collecting and investigating of Garabag folklore by the Institute, the information about the books published recently at the Institute is also given. The author begins his article with the information about the processes beginning from 1988 in Garabag. In the article it is said about banishing of nearly 200 thousand of Azerbaijanis from their native lands as a result of the expansionist policy of Armenia, Khojaly tragedy, 20 percent of occupation lands of Azerbaijan by Armenia. After the short historical chronology it is also said about the emergency necessity of the project “Collecting, systematizing and investigating of Garabag folklore”. The author mentions that in order to direct this project in the attention as the folklore sphere of Garabag folklore, to collect the material-spiritual culture examples of this region, to classify, to investigate and to spread many workers of the Institute were drawn into this research work and that work began from 2012. It is also mentioned that more than 300 mythological texts, about 1250 legends and rumors, more than 400 tales, more than 500 jokes, more than 750 proverbs and sayings, about 2500 quatrains, lullabies and other examples about children folklore were collected and presented to the scientific audience. Then the author gives the information about each volume of the 9 volumes called “Garabag: folklore is also a history”, their collectors, compilers and the parts of the books. The information about the conferences held by the Institute in different times such as on the 26th of December in 2012 in Baku, on the 15th of November in 2013 in Agjabadi, on the 14th of November in 2014 in Tartar was given too.

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